Welcome to the coolest Mafia War's Club on the Planet!


The More Mafia The Better

The important thing to remember is when you grow your mafia family the only reason why you should keep growing in mafia size is to get more of the Limited Edition Loot and to get your jobs done faster as well as being able to do more jobs for yourself.

Once you are over 501 members they DO NOT HELP YOU IN A FIGHT. Only equip with weapons to 501 and no more because they won't do any good.

Set Your Character

There are 3 types of characters, Mogul, Fearless and Maniac! Below are what each one means.

Mogul: As a Mogul your cash flow will come in every 54 minutes rather than every hour for the other character types. As a Mogul you are also the only character type eligible for being a Bagman. As a Bagman in one of your friend’s Top Mafia, you have the change to get double money from performing jobs. Since we want to be generating passive income rather than earned and there is no real use for money anymore once you get to around level 40, this is the least interesting of the character types unless your friend group happens to need more eligible Bagmen options.

Maniac: As a Maniac, your energy regenerates at a rate of 1 every 3 minutes instead of 5. You also become eligible to be a Button Man which gives you a chance to automatically win any fight you initiate. General consensus on the web before the Top Mafia changes was this was the best type to choose since energy drives a lot of your leveling. The flip side to this is if you are speed leveling, you are counting more on the energy refills from leveling up and Energy Paks than from natural regeneration. The special Top Mafia ability is not very exciting as we will only be initiating fights we expect to win anyway. Basically, it boils down to out of the 5-10% of fight you will lose to Critical hits, you will win about 5% of them instead.

Fearless: As a Fearless character your health regenerates at a faster rate. You also have the ability to be a Top Mafia Wheel Man which has the best special ability. Whenever you perform a job, there is a small chance that job will cost no energy. Since at higher levels jobs can cost as much as 60 energy to run, this is a very non-trivial bonus and will greatly aid the speed at which you level. The health regeneration itself is not a very meaningful bonus since using the hospital to top off at any point in time is a non-issue. NOTE: This option is not available until you reach level 9.

Set Your Top Mafia

Make sure you appoint the appropriate people to fill the Top Mafia spots which are: Wheelman, Mastermind, Buttonman, BodyGuard, Bagman & Safecracker.

Bonus Applied to: Experience From Jobs
Bonus Applied to: Reduction in Energy cost for jobs
Button Man:
Bonus Applied to: Attack Power
Bonus Applied to: Defensive Power
Bonus Applied to: Cash Generated from Fighting and Robbing
Bonus Applied to: Cash Generated from Jobs
NOTE: You cannot set your top Mafia until you reach level 8.


There are several achievements you can earn as you fight your way through NY, Cuba, Moscow and Bangkok. (And probably more as MW's expands to other locations). So make sure you obtain them.

To find out what achievements can be obtained go to your Mafia Wars page, click on PROFILE and then on ACHIEVEMENTS, you will then find the complete list. :-)

Skill Points

Many think that skill points need to be distributed to ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY!!! THAT is NOT TRUE!!! Granted, you will need energy to get through the job tiers, but to have a strong MW character you also need to allocate pts to ATTACK and DEFENSE.
You can have the best top loot (equipment) and still not be a strong MW player. Why? Because MW's combines the two, equipment with attack and defense pts.
If you are a new player, build your energy up slowly. 2 to attack, 2 to defense and 1 to energy.

This is a guide line only, but your attack and defense should be 2x (or even 3x) your level.